While you may already know that I'm a huge fan of Mint.com's online money management system, you may not be aware that they also have a great personal finance blog. My favorite posts, hands down, are the visual guides to the economy - they cover a surprisingly large amount of ground in a simple, straightforward, and visually appealing way. If you want to quickly get caught up on the state of the economy, the bailout, and topics like inflation and unemployment, you will get a kick out of the following visual representations:
- A Visual Guide to Inflation
- A Visual Guide to Deflation
- A Visual Guide to the Financial Crisis - Part One
- A Visual Guide to the Financial Crisis:The Bailout - Part Two: Who Pays?
- Unemployment Rate: A Visual Guide to the Financial Crisis
- The Fall of GM: A Visual Guide
- A Visual Guide to the Federal Reserve
- Update: DeliveriesGalore (unrelated to mint) also has a great visual called "What Does a Trillion Dollars Look Like?"
Jess Bachman of WallStats.com helped create the images above. He also has a great site with fun, interesting info-graphics, which he describes in the following way: "WallStats (wôlstăts) n.1. Complex and elusive information synthesized into palatable and insightful visual pieces. 2 Friggin' awesome posters." Visit his site or follow him on twitter here.
Speaking of Twitter, follow me if you aren't already! ;-) Not on Twitter? Join in the fun! Not convinced? Read my previous post, In Defense of Twitter </end of tangent>.