Miscellaneus March Updates

It's time for another Crock-Pot post (yes, I just made that up): sometimes I get hit with so many unrelated miscellaneous links, articles, and cool things to share that I decide to throw it all into a big stew and serve it up. Bon appetite!

Happy Thoughts - Delivered Daily

I'm a sucker for daily inspirational emails, quotes or thoughts. Three lists I've been enjoying lately:

  • The Daily Love - "Wisdom with Style" (Quotes on love and happiness)
  • Positive Quote of the Day (Short, simple email with a great thought to start each day)
  • TUT - Notes from the Universe (funny, wise and widely-known list)

I particularly appreciated today's TUT Note (thank you Ruth Ann for sharing it!):

"Of all the things that matter, Jenny, that really and truly matter, working more efficiently and getting more done, is not among them.

Chill, The Universe

And, quite accidentally, Jenny, such an appreciation leads to greater efficiency and more productivity. Not that that really matters."

Other great stuff around the web:

My Policy on Book Reviews - and Live a Life You Love: Book Giveaway Winner

I've implemented a new policy on this blog for book reviews (on books that others send to me, not ones I choose myself). In the name of transparency, I'm sharing it with all of you:

  1. I will only review books if I get two copies - one for me and one to give away to my readers; It's no fun if I'm the only one getting a free book!
  2. I will only agree to someone sending me a book in the first place if I find the description captivating. The book should meet at least one of the following criteria: useful/beneficial to me and my readers, related to topics I blog about, or fun/unique in some way.
  3. I reserve the right to decide whether to write a blog post on the book until after reading it (at which point I can discern whether a majority of my readers will learn or benefit in some way).
  4. Am I missing anything?

With that, I'm excited to announce that Clara is the winner of the Live a Life You Love book giveaway. Congrats, and thanks so much to everyone who commented to enter!

OK Go's AWESOME New Music Video - This Too Shall Pass

I leave you with one final pick-me-up: OK Go's new music video - it's colorful, playful, creative, and just pure genius. (Plus - the contraptions remind me of the booby traps from The Goonies, one of my all time favorite movies.) Enjoy!