The Best Way to Thank a Mentor . . .

Written by Jenny Blake

Thank You . . . is to follow-up on their advice. 

Sounds simple, right?

But in many people's quest to "FIND A MENTOR!" as many career advisors will prescribe, it's all-to-easy to forget that the most important part of a mentor-mentee relationship is taking meaningful action on their advice. (Only if the advice resonates, of course).

I'm a big fan of one-off mentors.

A one-off mentor is someone that you admire within your company or field who has achieved something you would like to achieve, or who knows more about an area of interest than you do.

Rather than putting the pressure on you to awkwardly ask a semi-stranger, "Will you be my mentor?" or putting the pressure on them to say yes to a long-term relationship with someone they hardly know, focus on short, targeted 15-30 minute interviews.

If your conversation goes well — you hit it off and you value their advice — you can always ask to follow-up at a later time with updates or questions. Some will say no if they are particularly busy (which is not something to take personally) or in some cases if they give advice for a living (this sometimes happens with coaches for example), but many will say yes as a way to "pay it forward" out of reverence to everyone who helped them along the way.

How to weave a quilt of one-off mentors:

  1. Make a list of 5 to 10 people you admire or who have expertise in an area that interests you.
  2. Email to ask if you can speak with them for 15 to 20 minutes. Mention why you admire this person, and why their advice would be helpful for you. (Note: a pet peeve of mine is asking to "pick your brain" -- it just sounds gross!). The key here is making it easy for him or her to say YES.
  3. Be curious. When you speak with him or her, ask broad, open-ended questions. Let the other person do most of the talking. Ask what s/he would advise you to do in your situation, what s/he would have done differently, what the keys were to his or her success.
  4. Most importantly, respect the time parameters you set! Do not go past your scheduled time. This will make him or her MUCH more likely to be willing to talk again in the future.
  5. Thank you, Part 1: Send a thank you note or email with how their advice specifically resonated. The best thank you card I ever received was a $5 Starbucks gift card that said, "Thank you so much for your time — your next cup of coffee is on me."
  6. Thank you, Part 2: Go do something with it! Take action! Then report back in a few weeks or a month and let him or her know about where you are now — this will surely make their day, and make them much more likely to want to give more advice in the future.

Don't worry about finding THE mentor of your life — it will likely happen naturally, and the mentor seed will be even more likely to blossom if you start broadly with the strategy above.

And you can even do this from afar — if you read a book or blog post then take action on it, email the author to let them know about it! You'd be surprised at how often this can spark an ongoing relationship.

I'd love to hear from you in the comments: Do you have a mentor? Maybe several?  What strategies have helped you reach out to people you admire, and even build relationships with them? 

101 Secrets for your Twenties – Now in Bookstores

Written by Paul Angone Every twentysomething needs a little black book of secrets.

Our twenties are filled with confusion, terrible jobs, anticipation, disappointment, cubicles, break-ups, transition, quarter-life crisis, loneliness, post-college what the heck, moderate success sandwiched in-between complete failure, and we need a worn, weathered guide stashed somewhere close by to help shed some light on this defining decade.

101 Secrets for your Twenties is that book and is now available for sale wherever books are sold!  

101 Secrets for your Twenties - Book Image

Well kind of. 

It released on Monday July 1st and within the first 24 hours sold out on Amazon!

Thank you to everyone who has taken to the Interwebs to share about the book's release to make it such a success.

You can still purchase it on Amazon as more books quickly arrive or snag a copy at Barnes and Noble.

As of right now the book is ranked in the top 300 of all books being sold on Barnes and Noble! I think with your help we can make it all the way into the top 101. What do you say? Please share about the book through social media and snag a copy for yourself.

And if you do buy a print copy anytime before July 10th, I want to say thank you in a tangible way. I will give you the 101 Secrets expanded ebook with bonus secrets, digital prints, stickers, and the chance to win $80 worth in gift cards and a Kindle Fire or iPad mini, thus totaling more than $639 of free stuff.

Sound like a fair trade? Keep on reading to see the full details.

LA, New York, Chicago, Oh My!

However, first I want to give you a quick inside look at how the launch week has been so far as I've gone from LA, New York, and Chicago for three separate amazing launch events. I have gotten a total of 10 hours of sleep in three days and I couldn't be better!


The 101 Secrets pre-release party in LA on Saturday night was unbelievable. It was a surreal honor to have a gallery full of amazing people all there to celebrate this book.

My wife and I stayed up until 2 a.m. the night before putting the finishing touches on our 101 Secrets for your Twenties 16 by 10 foot, yarn, nail, paint 3D book cover, which served as an awesome photo-shoot backdrop. How do you like it?

There's no way this book happens without my wife's support so it was awesome to celebrate this together with our family.

101-Secrets-for-your-Twenties-Party-Wall 101 Secrets for your Twenties 3D Wall

Then we packed everything up, got out of the venue at 11 p.m., drove home, unpacked everything, went to bed at 3 a.m., woke up at 6 a.m., (have I mentioned my wife is insanely amazing) and drove to the magical land called Los Angeles Airport where the line for Southwest check-in went through the lobby, snaked outside, and ended somewhere around the Santa Monica pier.

New York City

Next up came the small rural town called New York City where I teamed up with website builder, the NY Creative Interns, and the one and only Jenny Blake, to throw an epic launch extravaganza celebrating the launch of Jenny's new website and the release of 101 Secrets. The Wix Lounge was filled with hundreds of amazing people and I couldn't have dreamt a more perfect launch party for the day of the book's release.

A HUGE thank you to and NY Creative Interns for their amazingness in helping make this event a smashing success. Thank you Jenny Blake for the honor of co-headlining an event with you. Then as well thank you to all the guests who braved the rains and snagged a copy of the book. I've never signed that many books at once in my life!


Then after the party, 101 Secrets for your Twenties even found itself even being prominently displayed in Times Square!



The next day it was up at 5:00 a.m. to barely catch the train to Newark, to barely catch my flight to Chicago. Then I was back at it again, this time speaking at Enerspace Chicago to the 20Something Bloggers community about the book, and then tips on how they can turn their blog into a book deal. Another night, another amazing experience. Not too shabby of a view either.

Paul Angone 101 Secrets for your Twenties

Purchase 101 Secrets and Possibly Win Prizes Worth up to $639

Again here are the links to buy 101 Secrets for your Twenties on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. If you purchase a print copy of the book and email me your receipt at paul[at] (Amazon receipt, picture of physical receipt) before July 10th, I’ll personally send you:

  • The expanded 101 Secrets for your Twenties eBook with bonus secrets (releasing and sent later this month).
  • Three digital secret stickers to print for your iPhone, etc.
  • Two digital 8×10 secret prints
  • Exclusive access to me for a 45 minute online webinar where I will talk about the secrets to rocking your 20s, writing, secrets to getting published, creating an online platform/brand and any other questions you have. (Time and Date: Sometime in August)

And then for every book purchased that you send me the receipt for, you’ll be entered to win one of four Twentysomething Survival Kits that consists of:

  • Two extra copies of the book to give to friends so they know they’re not alone (Secret #32)
  • $15 Starbucks gift card for members of any coffee quadrant (Secret #30)
  • $50 gas card for the road trip you need to take to fix everything (Secret #28)
  • $15 iTunes gift card for the purchase of non-sad songs only (Secret #65)

Then one lucky person of the people to send in a receipt will be chosen on July 11th to win the GRAND PRIZE: A twenty-something survival kit + Kindle Fire or iPad mini to help build the brand that is you (Secret #23)

Winners will be announced, by July 11th.

Share the Secrets

It’s been an eight-year dream to see this book happen. I can’t thank you enough for your help, support, and encouragement along the way. And if I ever have the pleasure of meeting you in person I’m thanking you with a great big hug.

Too much? Maybe a handshake then?

This book is part humor, part pearly-wisdom pearls, and part field manual, and I think it has the potential to offer heaps of encouragement, hope, and Laugh-Out-Louds that can’t be contained.

This book has the potential to impact millions of twentysomethings. Please help me in sharing its message on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram Pinterest, etc. 

Let's make 101 Secrets for your Twenties the worst kept secret in the world.


About Paul

Paul Angone is the creator of All Groan Up, a community for twentysomethings searching for self, faith, and a freaking job. Snag a free copy of his ebook 21 Secrets for your 20’s and follow him at @PaulAngone.


How to Interview with Recruiters

Written by Melissa Anzman You finally get the call (or email), for a position that you are super excited about, requesting your availability to chat with the recruiter and your foot is officially in the door. You are so excited to make a lasting impression now that you finally have the chance... everything is ready to go.

But following the phone interview, you aren’t asked back – and you have no idea why.

The Biggest Mistakes You Are Making During Phone Interviews

Your Approach.

Your excitement about landing an interview tends to lead to overshare during your first interview. The most important thing to remember when you are speaking to a recruiter is this: they are not the subject matter experts for the position you are applying for, the hiring manager is.

Stop getting in the weeds with details, acronyms, and your awesomeness when speaking to a recruiter. They typically are going to glaze over – they don’t have to know those types of details, and they aren’t usually looking for that type of information either.

Instead, approach your interview as you would speaking to a friend or relative about your experience. You want to impress them with your knowledge, but you want to make it “kid-friendly.” When we are attuned to expectations of our role, it’s easy to forget that not everyone knows what the heck we are talking about. The same can be said about most recruiters.

They will have anywhere from 20 – 50 (or more!) positions they are recruiting for at any given time. So their complete comprehension of everything that you do at the granular level, isn’t critical.

Instead, focus on the big accomplishments that you have delivered – think 30,000 foot view of your experience and performance, not the nitty-gritty details. Recruiters are looking to see if you meet the qualifications posted and if you would be a great culture fit – not the exact ways in which you’ve done your job in the past.

Think big picture about your skills and how to become their friend. The rest of the details should be saved until you’re speaking with the hiring manager.

Being Condescending.

I doubt many people intend to come across as condescending, but it happens – especially over the phone. When you are speaking to a recruiter, they aren’t the subject matter experts for your role (see above), so they aren’t going to always grasp what you are saying.

Keep that in mind when they ask what seems to you, ridiculous or annoying questions about your experience. If the question comes across as odd to you, most likely you went too deep into specifics when trying to answer a question, and you lost them.

Remember that the recruiter is the gate keeper for the position you are excited to land. So if you have to “fake nice” a little bit, then do it (although you should be respectful in general!). Answer each question with forethought and grace.

And above all else, do not use these phrases:

  • As mentioned earlier…
  • As you will see in my resume…
  • My previous title clearly defines…
  • I already answered that…

Stop talking.

No, I haven’t forgotten that this is an interview and conversation is necessary. But for the love of Nancy, please stop talking so darn much! I know it’s the nerves taking over, but if you continue to ramble on forever when answering each question, you will quickly lose the attention of the recruiter.

Listening is part of a conversation as well, and sometimes taking a step back to fully understand what the recruiter is trying to learn about you, will help you present yourself in the best light. Like any great discussion, if the recruiter isn’t engaged with what’s going on, then you have lost them as your ally to be presented in the next round.

Take a deep breath before you answer each question and try to formulate each answer in a STAR format? (Don’t worry – I didn’t just go all woo-woo universe on you). STAR stands for Situation/Task, Action, and Result.

When you are asked an interview question, you should phrase your response in this three-sentence, at most, formula.

  • Sentence 1 (S/T): Describe the situation or task that you want to use as your example in response to the question.
  • Sentence 2 (A): Talk about the actions that you took in that situation.
  • Sentence 3 (R): Deliver the results that you delivered or the outcome (good, bad, ugly).

This will help you get out of the weeds of the describing everything in minute detail, and also help you be concise when asked a question.

Recruiters are people too.

I received hate mail the other day for sticking up for recruiters. Essentially the three-page email said that recruiters are idiots, take pleasure in preventing people who are desperate for a job a chance, and have no real value. Funny enough, I’ve never held the solo-title of recruiter, but I digress.

Recruiters have a job to do, just like the one hope to do for the position you are applying to. And it’s a tough job – they have to say no a lot more than they get to say yes, it’s thankless most of the time, and they spend hours on the phone (that alone should earn some sympathy).

A successful interview with recruiter’s starts and ends with treating them as you would anyone else that is important to you – as a human being. Respect their time, their judgment (even if it’s not in your favor), and their effort for doing the best job they can… just like anyone else.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. What have you found helpful when interacting with a recruiter? 

melissa anzman

About Melissa

Melissa Anzman is the creator of Launch Your Job  where she equips ambitious leaders with practical ways to grow their career. She is the author of two books: How to Land a Job and Stop Hating Your Job. Follow her @MelissaAnzman.


On Making it Up As You Go Along (Or, Why it’s Awesome When Your Best Laid Plans Go Awry)

Guest Post by Dana Sitar

You’re recently graduated, between jobs, or ready to take a major leap, and you’re nagged by that awful feeling that you have no idea what you’re doing. You’re reading books and blogs of professionals just months ahead of you, and you can’t believe all they’ve accomplished. If only you had it together like they do.

Here’s the secret:

We’re all making it up as we go along.

I don’t think you hear this often enough: Nobody really knows what they’re going to do next. We’re all always on the edge of the next leap, trying to figure out the ramifications of our next move. The people you envy have just learned to deal with whatever happens, and to embrace the uncertain.

Nothing is as certain as you want it to be.

In a world where new information and networking opportunities are constantly available, you have to be prepared to turn on a dime and follow your dreams. You don’t have to know exactly where you’ll be in five years -- in fact, if you try to stick to a clear path for that long, you just might go crazy as better opportunities pass you by.

What if you go to school for six years, earn your MBA, and land some steady accounting job, then discover an inspiring blog, download their free life-changing manifesto, and realize you want to be a painter? Are you gonna stay an accountant? Ew -- sounds miserable.

I thought I had it figured out . . . several times.

Early on in my journey, my writing career went through a lot of iterations. I tried to be a copywriter, a ghost writer, a journalist, and a freelance blogger -- all sound, money-making career ventures, in the footsteps of professional writers who have gone before me. At each turn I thought I had it “figured out”. “Aha!” I’d say, “This is just what I want to do with my life.”

I thought I was set, chugging along with freelancing and self-publishing. I was “making money writing” -- living the dream, right?

But things change. You learn, grow, gain new skills, meet new people, try new things. As I learn more and suss out my true passion, I’m realizing that freelancing for others is not exactly the right path for me, despite a lot of advice to the contrary. The real reason I want to be a writer is to share my work and the passion for writing with others, and “making money writing” has nothing to do with that.

As I write this, I’m facing yet another crossroads. I’ve recently put in my notice with a core client; I’m traveling until mid-June, and I don’t know what my life will look like when I return home to Seattle. I launched my passion project earlier this month, but I haven’t yet sorted out how to replace the money I’m losing by dropping that client. We’ll see what happens! I just know I’m making the right move, because it feels right to focus on my passion.

Not knowing what will happen next can be truly freeing.

I’ve exhausted a lot of paths to find my passion and purpose as a writer. What’s important is that I don’t regret any of the work I’ve done, the experiments, even the failures. If you decide to become a painter, does that mean your six years in college and your years as an accountant are wasted? Of course not! They were all steps on your path; these are the experiences that make you uniquely you.

When you’re not bound by a mirage of success in the years to come, you are free to experiment and change your mind. You can devote yourself fully to something now and move onto something new without regret when the time comes.

Your best laid plans will always go awry.

But that’s not usually bad thing. It’s sometimes the most exciting thing. You can’t possibly know all the awesome opportunities that will find you; you simply have to leave room in your path for them.

Take everything one step at a time. Let yourself build a vision for the future, but understand how it will morph, and know that it’s supposed to happen that way. Stick to following your passion, and you should always be close to the “right” path.

We'd love to hear from you in the comments:  When have your best laid plans veered off course? What new insights or awareness did you discover on the other side?

About the Author

Dana Sitar

Dana Sitar is a freelance blogger, author of A Writer’s Bucket List, and managing editor of, a blog and community dedicated to the pursuit of happiness through writing.

Dana shares resources, tips, and tools for writers in search of a path through DIY Writing. Follow her on Twitter at @danasitar.


Post-Launch Brass Tacks: How to Stay-up-to-Date

Thank you all so much for the kind words and incredible feedback on the new website! For those of you who are interested in launching your own website, check out the second post: Behind the Business — 9 Step Site Building & Launch Breakdown.

Now that I’ve got two Internet homes, I wanted to clear up what to expect from each site and where to subscribe to stay up-to-date on the latest, greatest happenings.

AND, as many of you already know, Google Reader is sunsetting on July 1. Time to stop procrastinating and export your feeds using Google Takeout if you haven’t already. After you do that, here's a great post from Feedly about how to import your feeds and set-up your new account.

Life After College

  • Who it’s for: College grads, twenty-somethings, career professionals and anyone interested in big goals, career, personal finance, and life optimization. Many of you reading may be way beyond your “after college” years and still find value from the posts; if so, that's awesome! Feel free to stick around :) Now that has launched I will bringing some of my age-agnostic content over there, along with specific tips on business, solopreneurship, writing/creativity, travel, health and yoga.

  • Frequency of posts: For now, you can expect about 1-2 posts a week, alternating between me, Melissa and Paul and occasional guest posts if I think they are highly relevant. Get blog posts delivered via email here.

  • Monthly newsletter with the latest blog posts, behind-the scenes updates from all three of us, and our best tips for life and work. Check out the archives and subscribe here.

  • Subscribe via RSS — but note that Google Reader is going away in July! Use Google Takeout to transition your feeds to Feedly or another service.

  • Who it’s for: Side-hustlers, solopreneurs, those working in corporate jobs who are looking to create a more balanced, sustainable career or switch things up. People who value health, happiness, creativity, positivity, freedom and entrepreneurship (whether in or outside of a company).

  • Frequency of posts: 1-2 posts a week (from me) that explore the intersection of mind, body and business, much like what I am already writing at LAC and in my JB Newsletter. Get blog posts delivered via email here.

  • Bi-weekly(ish) newsletter with "behind the curtain" updates on my business. Check out the archives and subscribe here.

  • Subscribe via RSS — but note that Google Reader is going away in July! Use Google Takeout to transition your feeds to Feedly or another service.

I think that's it for now . . . any big questions for me around all of this transition? If so, let me know in the comments!

It's here! Happy Launch Day to!

Drumroll please . . . the website has arrived at long last! Homepage Screenshot

As many of you know, I have been actively working on this for over a year . . . it rivals my book for the amount of work and intensity required, but it is so worth it.

This is my life after Life After College

But don't worry...Life After College isn’t going anywhere!

It will just return to its roots a little bit, really honing in on laser-sharp career and life advice for twenty-somethings.

I will still be running the show here (with the help of continued writing contributions from Melissa and Paul), but I am expanding my online platform to focus on solopreneurship, creativity, travel and yoga as I explore the intersection of mind, body and business at

A few quick favors

I don't normally reach out for support unless I'm really excited about something huge . . . but this fits the bill.

If you dig what I'm doing and you want to make my day and inspire the biggest happy dance of all time, here are a few ways you can help me launch my site with fanfare:

  1. Spread the link like wildfire! I’d be ever-so-grateful for you to tweet or post on Facebook (click to tweet).
  2. Sign-up for my bi-weekly(ish) updates (including the latest blog posts) from
  3. **The one I care most about** -- Help me give a raucous round of applause to the team of magicians who helped get the site ready by leaving them a love note in the comments of today’s post at I’d love to make their day, as this site truly a celebration of their work.

Thank you so much for being such a wonderful community of readers and friends. I look forward to sharing this next evolution of my journey with you.


P.S. Now lets celebrate! If you’re in the NYC area, RSVP for the joint launch bonanza with Paul Agone on July 1. I hope to see many of you there!

101 Secrets for your Twenties Writing Contest

Written by Paul Angone There are two cold hard facts I learned in my twenties:

1. Your twenties can be really hard.

2. Finding success in your twenties (or thirties, forties, etc.) can be even harder!

Today I am excited to shine sweet rays of light on both these facts.

First, I get to help take the sting off twentysomething life with my upcoming book 101 Secrets for your Twenties releasing this July 1st. It’s the most honest, hilarious, and vulnerable book I could write about the ups-and-downs of a decade filled unknowns.

Second, I am giving everyone the opportunity to have their writing go straight to the desk of my publisher and included in a published book!

Let me explain.


101 Secrets for your Twenties

As anyone who has been following my story knows, this has been a seven-year writing journey for me to see my first book in print. I have been passionate about writing this message for twentysomethings for years, but had to go through a 2,555 day journey filled with “no”, “try us later,” and “we love your writing, but we can’t take on new authors without a platform.”

Cue the long walk on a pier, in the fog, to violin music. You know you're becoming a writer when you feel like your heart has been broken into pieces and sold on the black market. Time and time again.

Then less than a year ago I wrote a post on All Groan Up called 21 Secrets for Your 20s, which went viral thanks to my amazing tribe of passionate readers and has now been viewed by more people than live in Wyoming and Barbados combined.

All it takes is one spark to set all your hard work on fire.

During this seven-year journey I’ve learned some hard, valuable writing lessons:

If writing is solely about being published, you’ll stop writing.

Writing isn’t about external accolades; it’s about how it changes you in the process.

The possibility for greatness and embarrassment both exist in the same space. If you’re not willing to be embarrassed, you’re probably not willing to be great.

The publishing business is sometimes more about the number of followers you have than the message you’re trying to tell. But it's not about that today.

101 Secrets for your Twenties Writing Contest

I am very excited to announce the 101 Secrets for your Twenties Writing Contest where anyone has the opportunity to submit their #1 Top Secret for Rocking Life in your Twenties -- basically, if a struggling twentysomething was sitting across from you at a coffee table, what one piece of advice would you give them? Even if you’re a twentysomething yourself, what’s one thing that is really helping you through?

Your entry will go straight to my publisher Moody Collective (no agents, proposals, 10,000 Twitter followers required) for possible publication in the expanded 101 Secrets for your Twenties ebook, along with your article, bio and website featured on All Groan Up.

I already have a few surprise prominent bloggers and authors who will be appearing in the expanded ebook and now I want to give you the opportunity to be there right next to them.

Entry Requirements: Submit your #1 Top Secret for Rocking Life in your Twenties. It can be funny, engaging, sarcastic, serious or light-hearted. Anywhere between 50-500 words, with the structure being a 1-2 line “secret” at the top and the rest of the article expounding on that secret. If you want to receive a sneak peak from 101 Secrets for your Twenties you can snag one for free at the 101 Secrets for your Twenties book page.

Submission Deadline: Submit your top twentysomething secret directly to Moody Collective at by June 24th, 2013 for consideration in this contest.

Winners Announced: Winners will be chosen by Moody Collective and then announced through All Groan Up on Monday July 15th. Winning entries will be included in the 101 Secrets for your Twenties expanded ebook, as well as featured on All Groan Up. I will then be giving this expanded 101 Secrets for your Twenties ebook away for free to anyone who purchased the print copy of 101 Secrets for your Twenties during the first two weeks of July. As you help spread the word about 101 Secrets for your Twenties as we build up to the launch, then thousands upon thousands of people might be reading your name in the expanded ebook.

Submit Your Twentysomething Secret

Gain amazing exposure from a targeted twentysomething audience base, be featured next to other published authors and prominent bloggers in a published book, and have your writing reviewed by a publishing house who is solely focused on publishing books for the next generation of leaders, influencers, and creators.

You never know where this could lead.

I can’t wait to tell the world our secret!


About Paul

Paul Angone is the creator of All Groan Up, a community for twentysomethings searching for self, faith, and a freaking job. Snag a free copy of his ebook 21 Secrets for your 20’s and follow him at @PaulAngone.


Made Sh*t Happen: How Kevin Bailey Navigated a 7-Month Job Search After Graduation

Written by Jenny Blake I am delighted to bring you the story of Kevin Bailey today. By the time I (virtually) met Kevin last July, he was a bit exasperated by the job search after graduating in April 2012.

Kevin BaileyYou'd never know it from his contagiously sunny demeanor, but Kevin felt like he had tried everything to find a job, without success. Living at home with no car, no job, and not much traction, it would have been easy for Kevin to listen to the doom-and-gloom in the media and give up hope.

But Kevin Bailey is no quitter. He joined Make Sh*t Happen that August, and by November landed a job as an IT recruiter. When I talked to him this weekend to get updates for today's post, he proudly announced that he's moving out in a month and now looking at new cars — both were on his Big Scary Hairy Goal list (second to finding a job), and seemed almost unimaginable just six short months ago.

Kevin felt so much compassion for other job-seekers that when I asked him to share his case study for this post, he ended up writing a 17-page Word doc! He doesn't have a blog or any social media to promote — he genuinely wants to help others who feel as frustrated and confused as he once did.

You can check-out the full version of this case study on Scribd: 9.5 Tips for the Frustrated Job Seeker -- a side-splitting account of Kevin's successes, failures and tips for job seekers.

Kevin has also generously offered to speak with anyone who wants a little advice or encouragement, and if you're looking for a job in IT, he's your guy! You can send him glowing notes, questions and feedback at: keailey87 [at] msn [dot] com.

Make Sh*t Happen Now Open for Rolling Enrollment!

Got a big goal of your own that you're tip-toeing around?

I'm excited to announce that the 10-week Make Sh*t Happen course is now available on-demand! What does that mean? You longer have to wait for the next launch (which only happens a few times a year). Now you can enroll at any time, and work at your own pace.

The live version of the course costs $400 — starting today you can get access for just $129. And the best part? After you sign-up, you'll get a 20% off discount code for you and a friend, because I know how much accountability and support matter when pursuing something huge.

Click here to learn more and get started! And continue reading for Kevin's hilarious, heartwarming and all-around-amazing story :)

Made Sh*t Happen: How Kevin Bailey Finally Found a Job He Loves After a 7-Month Search

VALUES: Why was this goal important to you?

In reality this goal was so much more important than just getting a job.

What I wanted (scratch that) what I NEEDED, was a new lifestyle. I began this little job hunt journey of mine, fresh out of getting let go from my first non-college job. It was your typical 90 days from hired to fired type fiasco. The performance evaluation went something like... “We think you're AWESOME and AMAZING, and WE LOVE YOU, and you're fired, BUT WE'LL MISS YOU!!!"

Despite the obvious blow to my self-confidence, losing my first job sucked for two major reasons:

  1. It forced me to have to do what I considered the unthinkable — I moved back in with my parents. (NOOO!!!!). Yep, that's right. My freedom, my house parties, and yes my sex life, all put on hold. I love my family, but there's nothing less sexy than a 24 year old man saying "Hey girl, wanna come back to my parents’ house?"
  2. Student loan debt! Those student loan companies were so friendly and helpful my freshman year of college. Any time I was a little short on cash, they'd be MORE than happy to give me a few bucks. What's a couple thousand dollars amongst friends right? Freshmen Kevin LOVED loan companies, or as he liked to call them... free money givers!!! Free money for clothes, free money for beer, free money for condoms (That's right! No Shame!) Yay! Thanks student loans companies! I love free money!!!

Flash forward 5 years later.

Some might call it poetic justice, but literally the week after I lose my job, I get a letter in the mail from a not quite as friendly student loan company saying something along the lines of...

"Hey buddy, so you know all that money we've been so generously giving you for the past 4 years? Yeah we're gonna need you to start paying that back. NOW!!!"

I didn't need 4 years of college to do the math. 6 figure debt + No job = BAD SITUATION!!!

COURAGE: How did you build the courage to actually do it? How did you know it was time?

You'll be amazed and the things you can do, when you don't have a choice. Fear is a powerful motivator. I couldn't comprehend the horror of being stuck living with my parents, while defaulting on my student loans, and ruining my financial future. Nope! That was just not going to happen. At least not without a good fight!

Faced with the two options of freedom verse imprisonment, I choose freedom. And if that meant I needed to routinely push myself out of my comfort zone, in order to land that job, that is exactly what I was going to do!

SUPPORT: Who held you accountable to your goal? Were friends and family supportive?

If there is anything I can hammer home for those in the midst of your Big Hairy Scary conquests, it's this; don't' try to do it alone! Family, friends, business partners, life coaches, and that nice barista girl you met at Starbucks are all there to make your life easier.

I am 100% positive I could have never accomplished my goal of getting a professional job, if it weren't for the love and support of so many wonderful people. My mom and sister who gave me weekly accountability meetings, the professional business men and women I met at all business conferences I attended, and all of the MSHers! And of course a BIG shout out to the crème de la crop, the myth, the legend, Ms. Jenny Blake!

FEAR/DOUBTS: What were your biggest fears, doubts and insecurities before starting?

For better or worse I didn't really have the luxury of not accomplishing my goal. In order to survive, I needed a job. Plain and simple. And I knew that I would eventually find myself a job, but I will say the scariest part of this whole ordeal were two burning questions that I could not answer.

What job would I get?

I had seen my fellow colleagues with the exact same degree, in a variety of different employment situations. Some, like me were unemployed. Others were making minimum wage at the local restaurants, and a few where actually in big professional jobs making an actual decent salary. The scary part was not knowing where I would end up on this spectrum. Would I actually make it to a good professional job, or would I end up flipping burgers at my local fast food joint?

When would I get it?

Perhaps the scariest problem was the issue of my school loans. It made my situation a lot more real, because unlike many other newly grads who could take a few months off from the real world, I had been given a financial deadline. No deferment, no forbearance, my debt was due! But what options did I have? Jobs weren't exactly falling from the sky, and as hard as I tried I couldn't wish money into existence.

It frustrated me to think how I could've been dealt such a crappy life hand. I went to college, I got my degree, and now here I was being punished for it. It made no sense!

Still, after a few days of throwing myself a good old fashioned pity party, I grudgingly accepted the fact that life wasn't fair, and choose to handle the situation to the best of my ability. I had no control over whether a company would hire me before I needed to start repaying my loans, but I did have control over transforming myself into a smart job hunter to increase my chances of being hired. Thankfully this mindset paid off and I was able to snag a job just in the nick of time.

THE DIP: Was there ever a moment/period of time that you felt you had hit a dip (felt like a failure and/or wanted to quit)?

Oh "The Dip" how you doing my good old friend? I miss you!!! I'll never forget the first time we met! It was when I got my third consecutive rejection email. I was shutting down my computer, and getting ready to go to bed, when you appeared out of nowhere and introduced yourself. I think you said something like:

"Hi! I'm The Dip, I'm here to make you feel like shit." And then I said, "Hi Dip, I'm Kevin. And I don't really want to feel like shit." And then you said, "Oh, really? Well umm... that's too bad, cause that's kinda what I do."

Now, I don't want to hurt your feelings Dip, but I didn't really like you very much when I first met you. Let's be honest; you're arrogant, intrusive, condescending, and just kinda a bully. I mean come on, telling me I'm not smart enough to get a real job, that I'm wasting my time applying to anything other than Taco Bell, saying no one hires college students without a 4.0 and 3 internships -- that's pretty harsh bro!

But! As you know, during my job hunt you and I spent a lot of time together, and I we grew to learn more about each other, I was finally able to see you as you truly are.

Yes, you can be perceived as an unwelcomed jerk, sent to destroy dreamer’s goals and aspirations, but you're just (like so many of us) misunderstood.

You see Dip, I know you well enough now to understand that you don't really want us to fail. Nope. On the contraire, you are our biggest goal supporter!

As I'm sure you know Dip, you prevent us dream making folks, from getting too comfortable. You make sure things aren't too easy, and that is exactly what we need!

Dip, you give our goals meaning and value. How could we possibly appreciate what we have, if we don't know what it's worth? If you weren't around life would be so BORING. We'd all just simply do what we needed to do and that be it. Next. There be no pep talks, no motivational speakers, Hollywood would go bankrupt cause there'd be no more "hero's journey," and poor Jenny Blake would be out of the job (sorry Jenny). In short without my good old friend The Dip life would be empty and meaningless.

But fortunately Dip, you are here, and I for one, would not want to have it any other way. Thank you Dip for constantly helping me grow, learn, and appreciate life.

Now that I actually have a good job, I haven't seen you in a while, but I know you'll be back. And when you do return I will embrace you with open arms, knowing full well that if you are here, then I am exactly where I should be!

SUCCESS! How did you feel after accomplishing your goal? What did you learn about yourself in the process? What are you most proud of?

I would love to tell you that once I got the job offer, balloons fell from the sky, confetti shot into the air, and the marching band began to play, but truthfully I entered into my new job very cautiously.

For the past year or so I have been so used to failure, that it has been really difficult for me to accept that this actually -- perhaps -- just possibly -- might be -- the real deal! ...maybe.

The months following the job offer I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The days before my first day of work, I didn't tell anyone that I had just gotten a new job because I was convinced that at any moment the hiring manager was going to call my cell phone and say something along the lines of, "Oh! I'm so sorry, we actually had two Kevin's apply for this position, and I accidentally offered the job to the wrong one. My bad."

During my first week working there I was positive my boss was going to say "Whoa Kevin! You can't handle this position. What were we thinking? You're fired!"

But still, each day I'm gaining more confidence in my inner awesomeness, and my ability to handle whatever unforeseen events life throws at me.

Perhaps the most important, yet underrated section of the MSH course is Celebrate! I found that section really resonated with me, because I have a habit of downplaying my accomplishments. There's always a next step, or something I could've done better, or I just got lucky, or (like in this case) soon everything will fall apart.

I am an instinctive rainbow chaser, sacrificing today's happiness, for tomorrow’s better fortune. But I'm slowly becoming enlighten to this fallacy, and beginning to understand the importance of the present.

I worked my ass off to get this new job, and dammit I deserve to enjoy it! I get my own office, on the 19th floor of 30-story building, I couldn't love my co-workers more, I'm making more money than the average newly grad (with the possibility of making a 6-figure income within the next few years), last week I enjoyed a private rooftop party with an open bar overlooking the Downtown Los Angeles skyline, I routinely go out to the nicest restaurants and eat out on the companies dime, and literally as I'm writing this last paragraph, I am on a plane back from all-expense paid business trip to Phoenix, Arizona.

I am very happy, and proud of myself for not only all the work that I have put into making this a reality, but recognizing and appreciating all that I have accomplished. These are the good times!

ADVICE: What advice would you give to future Make Sh*t Happeners?

Get out there and Give'em hell!

I shall leave you with one of my favorite simple quotes of all time:

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.” —William G.T. Shedd

Ready to take your own big dream from "nice idea" to inevitable success? Enroll in Make Sh*t Happen today! Even better: corral a few friends and go through as an iron-clad accountability mastermind group :)

Dream Job Drama

Written by Melissa Anzman Throughout our career, we are constantly searching for our “dream job.” That one perfect position that will make us gloriously happy and eager to show up to work every day, make a difference in the world, and earn well over six-figures doing it. The elusive golden ticket of our career.

It never fails that once we find that “dream job,” drama ensues.

Like a popped balloon, the disappointment of your dream being not as perfect as you thought it would be, is deflating. But alas, it’s not time to start dreaming up another job – you can save the one you’re already in.

Get to the root of it.

Figure out what went wrong and immediately prevent it from happening again. Usually our vision is shattered by an event, an action, a word, a new project – something. Evaluate what cause your dream to turn into a mini-nightmare.

For example, I thought I was in my dream job when I ended up having to cut out circles on my office floor. That was the catalyst of drama for me – feeling like I was missing out on adding value and interacting with interesting coworkers.

What happened to change your perspective about the situation?

Get back to reality.

Your job probably wasn’t that dreamy to begin with – not in reality. So go back to the job description, go back to what attracted you to the position in the first place, and start figuring out what got you excited in the first place.

Then add more of that back into your daily routine. If you loved being able to deliver training or having calls with clients, figure out a way to add an hour more of that each week – then slowly progress until your time is more heavily weighted doing the things you enjoy.

Confront the situation head-on.

If a person (ahem, your boss), influenced your current state of mind, you have to address it with him/her directly. There’s no getting out of this step – you won’t be able to move past the drama until it’s confronted. Be professional about it and ask for some time on the offender’s schedule. Go to a secluded place – your cubicle isn’t appropriate; in a non-emotional manner, discuss what occurred and see what his/her perspective is.

Listen to what’s being said, and move forward.

Get the lesson.

A former colleague told me that we keep repeating drama, when we don’t get the lesson when it’s presented to us. It took me three, yes THREE, “dream jobs” to realize that the “dream” I created in my mind was sabotaging my success in each job.

The lesson may be different for you, but before you make any drastic changes, make sure you figure out what that lesson is. Realizing your expectations were unrealistic, your hope that your manager will stop micro-managing you because you’re competent, or knowing that you’re not really all that into the cause that your employer focuses on are all possibilities.

Look in the mirror.

Yikes, I know – it’s so much easier to think that our “dream job” really is a dream. But there’s a reason we use such fluffy words… our ideal roles aren’t necessarily based in reality. I know I just knocked the wind out of your sails, but it’s a good thing. After this reassessment, you will be happier in many jobs – not just the one you*think* you have to be in.

We go after our dream job to fulfill a fantasy such as time, money, impact, or power. Many entrepreneurs choose their own businesses as their dream job, but give it up within a year. I know – I was one of them. The reality of owning your own business is a lot more tedious than being able to work from a beach for just four hours a day.

In the corporate world, being a director or vice president sounded dreamy to me. But when I was in those roles, the annoying meetings and political games were more frustrating than I could have imagined – leaving a dark shadow over the rest of the job.

Know what you enjoy doing, what you excel at, and what your non-negotiables are. From there, you can create your “dream job” by honoring those three things.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. What kind of dream job drama have you encountered? And how did you go about moving past it? 

melissa anzman

About Melissa

Melissa Anzman is the creator of Launch Your Job  where she equips ambitious leaders with practical ways to grow their career. She is the author of two books: How to Land a Job and Stop Hating Your Job. Follow her @MelissaAnzman.


[Video] Exciting Announcements + Save the Date!

My palms are sweating to actually set a date . . . no, not for a wedding . . . for my first MAJOR online move in over seven years since I started Life After College. Yes folks, that makes me a grandma in blogworld — matched only by the fact that I've been going to bed around 9:30 p.m. in order to wake up for my ninja productivity hours at sunrise-ish. :) Watch this 2-minute video for some exciting announcements about, and a Save the Date for a don't miss joint launch party in July in NYC with Paul Angone!

The Least You Need to Know

Don't have the patience to watch the video? No problem, I got you:

  • officially launches on June 11 (squeee!) — sign-up for my behind-the-business updates to get the all-access backstage pass as I run the last few miles of this creative marathon. Stay tuned also for an epic accompanying website launch checklist template, and an overview of the entire process that I followed with Adam, Nina and Alex to get this baby ready for showtime. More on each of their genius work to follow too :)
  • Save the Date! And get your booty to NYC on July 1. Paul and I are doing a joint launch party on Monday, July 1 at Wix Lounge in NYC to celebrate my blog and the launch of his forthcoming book, 101 Secrets for Your Twenties. I hope to see some of you there!
  • We're now in the third week of my Build Your Business mastermind program, and it's been an absolute blast! I just about fell over when one of the participants said after the first call that it was already worth more than a $3,000 course she had recently signed up for. Wowza....blown away! Keep an eye out for the next program that will kick-off in August . . . AND a super exciting on-demand release of Make Sh*t Happen that you can complete at your own pace. More details on both to follow in the next few weeks . . .
  • Business building webinar: While we're talking about online courses...I'm doing a free webinar/Q&A tomorrow for Ruzuku on how to build an online teaching and coaching business. Tune in if that's something you're interested in!

I'd love to hear from you in the comments: Any burning questions about what it takes to launch or re-brand a website? What steps in the process do you want to make sure I cover in the template? 

The Secret to Overnight Success

Written by Paul Angone I have the secret to becoming an overnight success that I am going to share with you.

Honestly, I probably should be selling you this formula for overnight success for $29.99 and a free set of steak knives (plus $69.99 shipping and handling), but just as long as you send 10% my way from your overnight financial bonanza, this success-secret is yours. (Just kidding about the 10% thing. 3-5% would be just fine).

Overnight success is like Jack and the Giant Bean Stock, one night you throw a couple magic beans in the ground and the next day you’re holding a goose that can’t help but poop golden nuggets. What could be better?

My golden goose came by the way of an article I wrote called 21 Secrets for your 20s, which became an overnight hit having now been read nearly a million times in 190 countries, and leading to a book deal for 101 Secrets for your Twenties that releases this July 1st.

And I have the patented secret on how you can do the same.

You ready?

The Secret to Becoming an Overnight Success

Overnight Success Secret: Work with such a passionate, tenacious consistency at something that you cannot NOT do that you lose all interest, anxiety, and desire of becoming an overnight success.

“It takes 20 years to become an overnight success.” Eddie Cantor

The idea of overnight success is a seductive lie. Success doesn’t happen in a night, it happens in the thousands of nights that no one will ever write a song about.

There are overnight sensations, sure. Take a crazy fall off a ledge while crushing grapes or have someone auto-tune your interview, and millions of people might come across you. Overnight phenomenon’s are an everyday thing now in the Land of the Internet.

However, just as a lottery winner ends up bankrupt in less than a year, an overnight sensation goes up quick and then falls back down at the same speed because there was no platform supporting it. An overnight sensation is like a shooting star – a brief blaze that quickly burns out.

"I worked half my life to be an overnight success, and still it took me by surprise." - Jessica Savitch

The moment you’ll be ready for success is the exact moment you stop obsessing about why you’re not more successful. 

The Secret to Overnight SuccessThe moment you’ll get your first piece of fan mail is when you stop checking the mailbox hoping to find it.

Musicians, actors, artists, writers, comedians, and entrepreneurs that we claim as an “overnight success” might have experienced some sort of tipping point moment, but they’ve been tirelessly and quietly building the base to sustain that "overnight success" their entire lives. They’ve been honing their craft, building their network, and pushing themselves way beyond the label of “successful”.

A true overnight success is someone who has carried bucket after bucket of water to fill up a well. People celebrate you the moment it all spills over, without realizing the 10,000 buckets you carried to make it happen.

As I wrote in “Your Twenties Not Going as Planned? You’re in Famous Company,” actor Morgan Freeman became an overnight success after movies like Driving Miss Daisy and Glory, well except he was nearly fifty years old and had played in countless acting roles since he was nine-years-old.

Abraham Lincoln came out of nowhere to lead the nation, well except he spent his entire twenties being defeated for political positions with striking regularity as he continued to grow as a lawyer, thinker, writer, and speaker.

I started writing my first book on a motel room floor at 22 years old.

I’m now 29 years old and come July 1st you’ll be able to read 101 Secrets for your Twenties – my first book.

It took me seven years to find overnight success.

Those seven years are strewn with hundreds of memories of running full speed, thinking I could see the finish line, thinking I’d finally made it, only to run head first into a brick wall, knocking me unconscious. Every time, it took me months and a few stiff drinks to stand back up.

I compiled 21 Secrets for your 20s on a Sunday afternoon. It took my entire twenties to learn how and what to write.

A true overnight success has simply mastered the art of staying in the game, no matter how lopsided the score. An overnight success has stayed present so that success can be a possibility, but a long time ago success stopped being the whole point.

An overnight success learned to do good work even when there was no one there to affirm it.

The greatest people who do the greatest things don’t care one lick about being called great.

Will you have the perseverance and passion to become an overnight success?

We'd love to hear from you in the comments below:

What is something that you cannot NOT do that you are striving to make an "overnight success"?


About Paul

Paul Angone is the creator of All Groan Up, a community for twentysomethings searching for self, faith, and a freaking job. Snag a free copy of his ebook 21 Secrets for your 20’s and follow him at @PaulAngone.


Neil Gaiman on Having No Idea What You're Doing, Failure, and Glorious Mistakes

After stumbling across a recently-released book version of Neil Gaiman's 2012 Make Good Art speech, I decided it's a must-share with all of you (transcript below in it's entirety for those of you who don't like watching video). Even if you've already watched this speech, I highly suggest re-reading the transcript. It's insanely good advice for all creatives, artists, recent grads, HUMANS.

Make Good Art — Commencement Speech for University of the Arts

[youtube id="plWexCID-kA"]

{Full transcript via University of the Arts, bold emphasis mine}

I never really expected to find myself giving advice to people graduating from an establishment of higher education.  I never graduated from any such establishment. I never even started at one. I escaped from school as soon as I could, when the prospect of four more years of enforced learning before I'd become the writer I wanted to be was stifling.

I got out into the world, I wrote, and I became a better writer the more I wrote, and I wrote some more, and nobody ever seemed to mind that I was making it up as I went along, they just read what I wrote and they paid for it, or they didn't, and often they commissioned me to write something else for them.

Which has left me with a healthy respect and fondness for higher education that those of my friends and family, who attended Universities, were cured of long ago.

Looking back, I've had a remarkable ride. I'm not sure I can call it a career, because a career implies that I had some kind of career plan, and I never did. The nearest thing I had was a list I made when I was 15 of everything I wanted to do: to write an adult novel, a children's book, a comic, a movie, record an audiobook, write an episode of Doctor Who... and so on. I didn't have a career. I just did the next thing on the list.

So I thought I'd tell you everything I wish I'd known starting out, and a few things that, looking back on it, I suppose that I did know. And that I would also give you the best piece of advice I'd ever got, which I completely failed to follow.

First of all: When you start out on a career in the arts you have no idea what you are doing.

This is great. People who know what they are doing know the rules, and know what is possible and impossible. You do not. And you should not. The rules on what is possible and impossible in the arts were made by people who had not tested the bounds of the possible by going beyond them. And you can.

If you don't know it's impossible it's easier to do. And because nobody's done it before, they haven't made up rules to stop anyone doing that again, yet.

Secondly, If you have an idea of what you want to make, what you were put here to do, then just go and do that.

And that's much harder than it sounds and, sometimes in the end, so much easier than you might imagine. Because normally, there are things you have to do before you can get to the place you want to be. I wanted to write comics and novels and stories and films, so I became a journalist, because journalists are allowed to ask questions, and to simply go and find out how the world works, and besides, to do those things I needed to write and to write well, and I was being paid to learn how to write economically,  crisply, sometimes under adverse conditions, and on time.

Sometimes the way to do what you hope to do will be clear cut, and sometimes it will be almost impossible to decide whether or not you are doing the correct thing, because you'll have to balance your goals and hopes with feeding yourself, paying debts, finding work, settling for what you can get.

Something that worked for me was imagining that where I wanted to be – an author, primarily of fiction, making good books, making good comics and supporting myself through my words – was a mountain. A distant mountain. My goal.

And I knew that as long as I kept walking towards the mountain I would be all right. And when I truly was not sure what to do, I could stop, and think about whether it was taking me towards or away from the mountain. I said no to editorial jobs on magazines, proper jobs that would have paid proper money because I knew that, attractive though they were, for me they would have been walking away from the mountain. And if those job offers had come along earlier I might have taken them, because they still would have been closer to the mountain than I was at the time.

I learned to write by writing. I tended to do anything as long as it felt like an adventure, and to stop when it felt like work, which meant that life did not feel like work.

Thirdly, When you start off, you have to deal with the problems of failure.

You need to be thickskinned, to learn that not every project will survive. A freelance life, a life in the arts, is sometimes like putting messages in bottles, on a desert island, and hoping that someone will find one of your bottles and open it and read it, and put something in a bottle that will wash its way back to you: appreciation, or a commission, or money, or love. And you have to accept that you may put out a hundred things for every bottle that winds up coming back.

The problems of failure are problems of discouragement, of hopelessness, of hunger. You want everything to happen and you want it now, and things go wrong. My first book – a piece of journalism I had done for the money, and which had already bought me an electric typewriter  from the advance – should have been a bestseller. It should have paid me a lot of money. If the publisher hadn't gone into involuntary liquidation between the first print run selling out and the second printing, and before any royalties could be paid, it would have done.

And I shrugged, and I still had my electric typewriter and enough money to pay the rent for a couple of months, and I decided that I would do my best in future not to write books just for the money. If you didn't get the money, then you didn't have anything. If I did work I was proud of, and I didn't get the money, at least I'd have the work.

Every now and again, I forget that rule, and whenever I do, the universe kicks me hard and reminds me. I don't know that it's an issue for anybody but me, but it's true that nothing I did where the only reason for doing it was the money was ever worth it, except as bitter experience. Usually I didn't wind up getting the money, either.  The things I did because I was excited, and wanted to see them exist in reality have never let me down, and I've never regretted the time I spent on any of them.

The problems of failure are hard.

The problems of success can be harder, because nobody warns you about them.

The first problem of any kind of even limited success is the unshakable conviction that you are getting away with something, and that any moment now they will discover you. It's Imposter Syndrome, something my wife Amanda christened the Fraud Police.

In my case, I was convinced that there would be a knock on the door, and a man with a clipboard (I don't know why he carried a clipboard, in my head, but he did) would be there, to tell me it was all over, and they had caught up with me, and now I would have to go and get a real job, one that didn't consist of making things up and writing them down, and reading books I wanted to read. And then I would go away quietly and get the kind of job where you don't have to make things up any more.

The problems of success. They're real, and with luck you'll experience them. The point where you stop saying yes to everything, because now the bottles you threw in the ocean are all coming back, and have to learn to say no.

I watched my peers, and my friends, and the ones who were older than me and watch how miserable some of them were: I'd listen to them telling me that they couldn't envisage a world where they did what they had always wanted to do any more, because now they had to earn a certain amount every month just to keep where they were. They couldn't go and do the things that mattered, and that they had really wanted to do; and that seemed as a big a tragedy as any problem of failure.

And after that, the biggest problem of success is that the world conspires to stop you doing the thing that you do, because you are successful. There was a day when I looked up and realised that I had become someone who professionally replied to email, and who wrote as a hobby.  I started answering fewer emails, and was relieved to find I was writing much more.

Fourthly, I hope you'll make mistakes.

If you're making mistakes, it means you're out there doing something. And the mistakes in themselves can be useful. I once misspelled Caroline, in a letter, transposing the A and the O, and I thought, “Coraline looks like a real name...”

And remember that whatever discipline you are in, whether you are a musician or a photographer, a fine artist or a cartoonist, a writer, a dancer, a designer, whatever you do you have one thing that's unique. You have the ability to make art.

And for me, and for so many of the people I have known, that's been a lifesaver. The ultimate lifesaver. It gets you through good times and it gets you through the other ones.

Life is sometimes hard. Things go wrong, in life and in love and in business and in friendship and in health and in all the other ways that life can go wrong. And when things get tough, this is what you should do.

Make good art.

I'm serious. Husband runs off with a politician? Make good art. Leg crushed and then eaten by mutated boa constrictor? Make good art. IRS on your trail? Make good art. Cat exploded? Make good art. Somebody on the Internet thinks what you do is stupid or evil or it's all been done before? Make good art. Probably things will work out somehow, and eventually time will take the sting away, but that doesn't matter. Do what only you do best. Make good art.

Make it on the good days too.

And Fifthly, while you are at it, make your art. Do the stuff that only you can do.

The urge, starting out, is to copy. And that's not a bad thing. Most of us only find our own voices after we've sounded like a lot of other people. But the one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.

The moment that you feel that, just possibly, you're walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself. That's the moment you may be starting to get it right.

The things I've done that worked the best were the things I was the least certain about, the stories where I was sure they would either work, or more likely be the kinds of embarrassing failures people would gather together and talk about  until the end of time. They always had that in common: looking back at them, people explain why they were inevitable successes. While I was doing them, I had no idea.

I still don't. And where would be the fun in making something you knew was going to work?

And sometimes the things I did really didn't work. There are stories of mine that have never been reprinted. Some of them never even left the house. But I learned as much from them as I did from the things that worked.

Sixthly. I will pass on some secret freelancer knowledge.

Secret knowledge is always good. And it is useful for anyone who ever plans to create art for other people, to enter a freelance world of any kind. I learned it in comics, but it applies to other fields too. And it's this:

People get hired because, somehow, they get hired. In my case I did something which these days would be easy to check, and would get me into trouble, and when I started out, in those pre-internet days, seemed like a sensible career strategy: when I was asked by editors who I'd worked for, I lied. I listed a handful of magazines that sounded likely, and I sounded confident, and I got jobs. I then made it a point of honour to have written something for each of the magazines I'd listed to get that first job, so that I hadn't actually lied, I'd just been chronologically get work however you get work.

People keep working, in a freelance world, and more and more of today's world is freelance, because their work is good, and because they are easy to get along with, and because they deliver the work on time. And you don't even need all three. Two out of three is fine. People will tolerate how unpleasant you are if your work is good and you deliver it on time. They'll forgive the lateness of the work if it's good, and if they like you. And you don't have to be as good as the others if you're on time and it's always a pleasure to hear from you.

When I agreed to give this address, I started trying to think what the best advice I'd been given over the years was.

And it came from Stephen King twenty years ago, at the height of the success of Sandman. I was writing a comic that people loved and were taking seriously. King had liked Sandman and my novel with Terry Pratchett, Good Omens, and he saw the madness, the long signing lines, all that, and his advice was this:

This is really great. You should enjoy it.

And I didn't. Best advice I got that I ignored. Instead I worried about it. I worried about the next deadline, the next idea, the next story. There wasn't a moment for the next fourteen or fifteen years that I wasn't writing something in my head, or wondering about it. And I didn't stop and look around and go, this is really fun. I wish I'd enjoyed it more. It's been an amazing ride. But there were parts of the ride I missed, because I was too worried about things going wrong, about what came next, to enjoy the bit I was on.

That was the hardest lesson for me, I think: to let go and enjoy the ride, because the ride takes you to some remarkable and unexpected places.

And here, on this platform, today, is one of those places. (I am enjoying myself immensely.)

To all today's graduates: I wish you luck. Luck is useful. Often you will discover that the harder you work, and the more wisely you work, the luckier you get. But there is luck, and it helps.

We're in a transitional world right now, if you're in any kind of artistic field, because the nature of distribution is changing, the models by which creators got their work out into the world, and got to keep a roof over their heads and buy sandwiches while they did that, are all changing. I've talked to people at the top of the food chain in publishing, in bookselling, in all those areas, and nobody knows what the landscape will look like two years from now, let alone a decade away. The distribution channels that people had built over the last century or so are in flux for print, for visual artists, for musicians, for creative people of all kinds.

Which is, on the one hand, intimidating, and on the other, immensely liberating. The rules, the assumptions, the now-we're supposed to's of how you get your work seen, and what you do then, are breaking down. The gatekeepers are leaving their gates. You can be as creative as you need to be to get your work seen. YouTube and the web (and whatever comes after YouTube and the web) can give you more people watching than television ever did. The old rules are crumbling and nobody knows what the new rules are.

So make up your own rules.

Someone asked me recently how to do something she thought was going to be difficult, in this case recording an audio book, and I suggested she pretend that she was someone who could do it. Not pretend to do it, but pretend she was someone who could. She put up a notice to this effect on the studio wall, and she said it helped.

So be wise, because the world needs more wisdom, and if you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is wise, and then just behave like they would.

And now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. Make good art.

Graduating this Spring? Check out the 3 Secrets of Highly Successful Graduates — Slideshow

For anyone graduating this Spring (or if you know a recent grad), be sure to also check out this awesome slideshow: The 3 Secrets of Highly Successful Graduates via Ben Casnocha based on The Start-up of You which he co-authored with LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman. Career professionals of all ages in transition will find the messages comforting and empowering.

Why it's Critical to be the CEO of Your Health

Written by Jenny Blake "Any other questions on your mind?" The doctor asked through a forced smile and subtly gritted teeth.

She must not have liked my ten minutes (just ten!) of health questions after I waited 45 minutes past my scheduled appointment time to see her.

The conversation, loosely approximated, went something like this:

"I'm trying to troubleshoot my breakouts, so I've eliminated sugar, gluten, dairy and alcohol from my diet. Can you help me test the nutrients in my bloodstream to make sure my levels are normal?"

"Okay I can run your testosterone levels."

"Well, I...I'd like to know about all of my levels — iron, calcium, cholesterol — whatever is possible to test. I'm willing to pay extra."

"If you're eating leafy greens, you're probably fine."

"What I am trying to say is that, I'd like some precise data rather than making a wild guess or just assuming everything is okay." **

**May the record state that I am not the one in the room who went to medical school! I am a woo woo yogi life coach and I have to convince you of my desire for data?!

She still looked skeptical. "You know, it could be the environment too. New York has a lot of pollutants in the air."

"Listen, I've tried everything and nothing has worked. I am now paying very close attention to my food, and that IS working. But rather than just hoping or assuming my body is balanced and my hormone levels are normal, I would like to see some bloodwork."

Sigh, "Ohhhh Kaayyyeeee, we can do that," she said, almost as though she were appeasing a child by acknowledging an imaginary friend.

Are you kidding me?!

I report that I am exercising, meditating (to lower stress that shows up as cortisol), not drinking, not a smoker, and eating just about as clean as one can eat, and I have to make a case to get some basic facts about how those changes are reflected in my body?

I am a woman without wine, cappuccinos and chocolate (okay, still working on this one) — do you think I would give those up if I weren't serious?!?!

We move on to the exam portion of the appointment.

"Have you seen a dermatologist? They can prescribe {long complicated name}."

"Yes, I've seen dermatologists for the last 15 years actually." And in fact, not one has ever asked me what I was eating.

I explained to her that I have tried every cream, pill and antibiotic, and beyond studies showing that many have harmful long-term affects, they weren't working.

At the peak of my frustration, I figured maybe my body is trying to tell me something.

So instead of shutting it up with pills and prescriptions, I decided to listen and experiment and understand if I am doing something to enable the reaction (breakouts) I'm trying to avoid.

I started reading countless books, blogs and studies on how closely correlated diet is with acne. I gobbled up every bit of research and naturopathic remedy I could find. I now know that, in addition to stress and hormones, dairy, sugar, gluten and caffeine have all been known to aggravate (if not outright cause) acne.

Bottom line 1: Knowledge is power. Bottom line 2: I will be switching doctors.

This whole experience was not all that abnormal. To the non-informed patient it was just like any other 20-minute annual exam. But to a frustrated and increasingly more educated one in the areas of health and nutrition, it was a wake-up call.

Sure, I could pay for a third-party to conduct all these standard tests for me, but should I have to? If the doctor was already drawing my blood for a routine exam, wouldn't it make sense to tack on a few other nice-to-know benchmarks?

You just earned a new CEO title (and the responsibility that follows)

This experience was an important reminder that we need to learn to be our own health advocates. I say learn because this IS a skill. It is not something we are taught, and medical care can be quite intimidating and overwhelming . . . and I'm not even dealing with the big stuff.

You've heard me talk about how no one will hand you your career on a silver platter. Well, it takes the same dedication, work, research, eating/exercise experiments, and awareness to be the CEO of your own health and medical care.

There is no doubt that the practitioners you choose to see are important, as are regular check-ups, but they are nowhere near everything.

I'd love to hear from you in the comments: Have any of you had a similar experience? How do you approach the "CEO of your own health" mentality (if at all)?

7 Ways to Be the Youngest Person at Work

Written by Melissa Anzman Genius comes in every age – and I’m guessing that you are one of the smart ones at work. Being one of the smartest employees in the room, and also one of the youngest, can be a frustrating conundrum. You know you have value to add in the conversation, you are qualified to take on a challenge, but your perceived age is stopping others from taking you seriously.

That stops now.

Push Past Your Age and Be Taken Seriously at Work

1. Do your job really, really well.

This probably goes without saying, but unless you are delivering what they are asking at a very high level, nothing you do will change their perception about needing “more time in the job” or maturing. Deliver consistently, exceed expectations at every opportunity you get, and be reliable.

2. Stop telling people how old/young you are.

This is good advice for everyone, but there is a reason that age is a protected class. No one except for HR (and maybe your direct manager), should know how old you are. So stop going around and telling people that you’re only {enter a number in your 20s}.

If you don’t bring your age up, it’s a non-conversation. So while your accomplishments are amazing for your age, toot that horn outside of work with your friends and family… not to your coworkers.

3. Step away from any and all conversations about age.

I am always surprised when the question comes up during a meeting, but when there is one person in the room who looks young, someone always wants to figure out just how young that person is. If you are asked directly, “How old are you?” do not answer. For the love of Nancy.

Hedge around the question by changing the topic or making a self-deprecating remark such as, “I know Bob, I look young, but really, we’re both here to do a job. Come on buddy!” Regardless of the situation or fear of being “rude,” just don’t answer it. Once you respond, it will get around and you will find you will not be able to outrun your age from anyone!

4. Pop-culture references.

Lack of pop-culture knowledge is what usually “outs” people as being young. And it is also the thing that makes your older peers feel ridiculously old. What am I talking about? For example, when someone throws out a Def Leopard reference, or refers back to Spaceballs… you respond with a “what is that?” comment.

Please, don’t do that anymore. It’s extremely upsetting for the person on the other side of that question. Trust me – this is the number one “annoyance” that has been pointed out to me by managers, as being a “target” for immaturity. It’s not right, but it’s how it is.

Instead, either brush up on some 1980s and 1990s pop-culture trivia or simply be a part of the conversation instead of asking for clarification. Some resources to help you gain this knowledge: watch a lot of Pop-Up Video, Google pop culture trivia and start learning, or watch a ton of “cult classic” movies from the 1980s and 1990s.

5. Your outward appearance should match your peers’.

Appearance is everything, so make sure that your outside presentation matches that of your peers’. I’m not saying don’t be trendy, cute or styled; but instead, make sure that you are dressing the part. For example, if your female peers do not wear jeans to work – guess what, you shouldn’t either. Even if you style it amazing. If your male peers are not wearing sandals, you can’t either. See the difference?

You don’t have to be dull or blend in with your appearance, but you do need to keep the same standards that they have. Thus, eliminating the appropriateness conversation and instead shifting the discussion to one of style.

6. Be confident when you contribute, but speak up wisely.

You should absolutely contribute and speak up during group meetings and discussions. But remember that every time that you do, people will be listening – so do so wisely.

A common complaint about Gen Y’ers (hello – big generalization coming), is that they “think they know it all.” Totally NOT the case, but to help differentiate yourself from this stereotype, when you do speak-up, try and do it with care, finesse and value-add. Stand firm in your delivery, but also be engaging and inclusive with your remarks.

Make your contribution feel as though it’s from the whole team.

7. Stop referring to, “in school we did…”

Bad news here people, but school is nothing like the real working world. You have probably figured that out by now. So stop referring to all of the fabulous things that you did in school that you expect to work or resonate at work.

First, it makes your colleagues feel old – I mean, if you are still referring to school, you are giving away your age. Second, it negates all of the lessons you have learned and applied in the “real world.”

These references can creep up and maybe even deliver a good idea or two from time to time. Don’t stop using these learnings, but start positioning them differently. Present the idea without the introduction – and you’ll be awesome.


We’d love to hear from you below in the comments: What have you done that has helped you stand out at work, without your age being an issue?

melissa anzman

About Melissa

Melissa Anzman is the creator of Launch Your Job  where she equips ambitious leaders with practical ways to grow their career. She is the author of two books: How to Land a Job and Stop Hating Your Job. Follow her @MelissaAnzman.

Stop Trying to Balance Your Life

Written by Paul Angone Do you ever feel like you’re spinning sixteen different glass plates at once? The question not if they will fall, but when? And how many shards of glass will be left lodged in your legs once they do?

That’s how I’ve felt the last six months. My spinning glass plates? Being an Author. Blogger. Speaker. Full-Time Employee. Husband. New Father. Friend. Son. Brother. Neighbor…The list just keeps on going and going…

Where should my time be spent? What comes first? Second? Or not at all.

How the heck do you balance sixteen different elephants all jumping on the same side of a teeter-totter – without being crushed in the process?

Over-Commit Much?

It seems in this day and age if you’re not over-committing you’re not being a true red-blooded-American. Like those weirdos who don’t eat meat or watch Nascar. Freaks.

We talk so much about the need for “balance” because we have so much over-commitment. An epidemic of over-commitment. This desire, daresay sickness to exclaim, "yes of course" when your entire schedule (and soul) is screaming, "please God no!"

I myself am an over-committer. And I think it’s for two reasons:

Insecurity and Fear.

Insecurity – That no one will ever ask me to speak, write, or help again…

Fear – That no one will ever ask me to speak, write, or help again…

So I smile.

I say, “yes count me in!”

I regret my “yes” about 3.4 seconds after it exits from my mouth.

Then I spend the next few weeks passively aggressively trying to avoid the person I said yes too. (If you’re reading this and I haven’t emailed you back about that thing we talked about two weeks ago, I’m of course not referencing you here. However, I just went on vacation for about two months on an island without Internet connection (crazy, right?) so it would just be a waste of your time to try emailing me again).

Balancing Act

That’s exactly what trying to balance the un-balanceable is – an act. You’re putting on a show and when the reviews of your performance start coming in they are going to be more rotten than rousing. Because when we take on too much, everything suffers. Even the things we used to do with ease and enjoyment are pulled down by the dead-weight of over-commitments.

So instead of life-balance, we need to work on something else -- life-prioritization. What’s the difference between life-balance and life-prioritization, you ask?

Balance: Carrying too much on each arm then trying your best to walk across a tightrope without the net.

Prioritization: Strategic, specific, and planned -- only carrying what is necessary so that the chances of falling are greatly reduced. And the chances of reaching the end successfully – greatly increased.

Life-prioritization is focusing, honing, and becoming very specific in what we will say yes and no to.

Prioritization makes finding balance extremely simple because instead of juggling fifteen balls, you’re holding tightly to a few.

Prioritization is simply, simplifying -- it is saying yes only to tasks that align with your values, strengths, long-term plans, and passions.

How do we become intentional with life-prioritization? Maybe before committing to anything new ask yourself one question: Does this fit with my long-term vision of who I am and where I am going?

Of course, this means you have to actually have a vision. Preferably written down and thought-out. Where do you want to be in 20 years? Are the commitments in your life pushing you towards that vision or pulling you away? How do you commit or possibly even begin un-committing to things that are not aligned with where you want to go? Instead of trying to balance dead-weight, maybe it's time to just cut it loose.

Start Becoming Confident in Where You Are Competent

Instead of finding life-balance lets find life-prioritization. Lets start growing confidence where we are competent so that we stop letting fear and insecurity say yes for us.

If any of this seems overwhelming and you don’t know where to even begin, start by getting Jenny Blake’s help! Seriously. It's not too late to join her May Mastermind program with the deadline to enroll being Sunday, May 5. I’ve had the immense privilege of being coached by Jenny and it was invaluable in helping clarify my goals and take steps towards them.

Let’s start prioritizing. Because for every yes we are in turn saying no to something else.

We'd love to hear from you in the comments below:

What's one thing you can cut that doesn't fit with your long-term vision?


About Paul

Paul Angone is the creator of All Groan Up, a community for emerging adults searching for self, faith, and a freaking job. Snag a free copy of his ebook 21 Secrets for your 20’s and follow him at @PaulAngone.

Made Sh*t Happen: Ben Edwards — Published Debt Heroes, a Bestselling Kindle Book

I'm excited to share the story of two-time MSH Alum Ben Edwards today, whose big goal was to "help people get out of debt by publishing a motivational and informative book." Ben's book has had an incredibly successful run on Amazon, peaking at #2 among books in the personal finance category. At just $2,99 a pop, it's a steal, so let's see if we can help him meet his new über-goal of landing the highly-coveted #1 spot! Keep reading because he's doing TWO awesome giveaways today . . .

May Mastermind Reminder

Before we get to the Q&A: for those of you who are considering the Build Your Business monthlong mastermind program for side hustlers and solopreneurs, it's not too late to sign-up! You'll get crystal clear on what you want to create, how much you want to earn and who you want to work with, and I promise to share my very best tips and tools for building a sustainable, profitable business.

What we'll cover: Mondays at 3:30pm ET, with recordings sent out within 24 hours

  • May 6: Vision: What *does* your ideal business (and life) look like?
  • May 13: The Financials, Ideal Clients and How to Find Them
  • May 20: Profitable Platform-Building, Book Deals and Authentic Marketing
  • May 27: Action Plan & Next Steps

The format includes 4 content calls, 4 open office hours, an accompanying workbook and an optional accountability group. Check out last week's post for a full program overview and FAQ refresher. Enrollment is open until midnight on Sunday, May 5 and costs $75. We have an amazing group assembling, and I'd love to work with you if this sounds like just what you need! Add to Cart

Made Sh*t Happen: Ben Edwards, Author of Debt Heroes

ABOUT: Describe your goal in more detail — what did it involve? What inspired you to go after it?

Debt Heroes Book My friend Jeff Rose is running something called the Debt Movement. It’s a challenge to help consumers pay off $1,000,000 dollars in debt in 90 days.

We were brainstorming about the movement and agreed it would be great to have something that would last even after the challenge was over. Jeff had a lot on his plate so he didn’t have time to put together a book by himself.

Not only did I want to contribute to the Debt Movement, I also wanted to learn about the world of self-publishing I offered to be the co-author and run with it.

VALUES: Why was this goal important to you? What purpose did it serve? What underlying values did it honor?

I’ve been blogging about money for 6 years now. The nice thing about blog posts is that they’re relatively short so that reduces the barrier to getting it done and published. The downside is that you feel like you’re not comprehensively covering a topic. I worry that people read my posts and are informed but don’t necessarily have enough there to take action. I wanted to put together something that was more comprehensive.

I hope we’ve done that with Debt Heroes. The book actually walks readers through their own “hero’s journey” to pay off debt and helps them figure out where they are in the process.

FEAR/DOUBTS: What were your biggest fears, doubts and insecurities before starting? What barriers (real or imagined) were in your way?

My two biggest barriers were finding the time to put the book together and my lack of knowledge of the self-publishing world. I was under a tight deadline so the time I spent learning about how to get a book out on Amazon took away from hours I really needed to be writing.

I had two main fears: 1) That I would put out the book and no one would read it 2) The book wouldn’t be any good.

To overcome those barriers and fears I had to spend money on training and experts. I bought Guy Kawasaki’s book, APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur and enrolled in two online courses about self-publishing to learn 1) How to get a book on Amazon 2) How to get people to read the book.

I hired a cover designer to start working on the “face of the book,” found an editor to help me make sure the quality of the book was up to par, and ended up hiring a PR lady to help me with a press release and to reach out to her contacts in the media.

I also relied on some of my readers to help define and refine the content of the book. I worked with the members of my email newsletter to help choose the best cover design and to get feedback on some of the earlier drafts of Debt Heroes. As a result of their feedback I added several sections to the book that I think helped make it a better resource for readers.

COURAGE: How did you build the courage to actually do it? How did you know it was time?

I did it by just taking one step at a time and tweaking as I went. I started by making a list of people who I wanted to be in the book. The next step was reaching out to see if I could get enough people to make a book of it. Once I had a critical mass then I started crafting the message of the book.

It was definitely an iterative process. After I sent the first draft of the book to the editor she politely told me I still had a lot of work to do. She gave me a lot of good feedback and I got back to work.

SUPPORT: Who held you accountable to your goal? Were friends and family supportive, or did they think you were crazy? How did you build your support network?

It really helped that I had a deadline. The Debt Movement was scheduled to begin January 1st so people with New Year’s resolutions of getting their finances in order could participate. I knew Jeff was depending on me to get it out for the Debt Movement.

I did have a lot of support. My wife put up with me working nights and weekends to get it done. I’ve built a close circle of blogging friends over the last 6 years and they were helpful in giving feedback. It was also nice having Jeff as a co-author to turn to for help with the direction of the book and to bounce ideas off of.

THE DIP: Was there ever a moment/period if time that you felt you had hit a dip (felt like a failure and/or wanted to quit)? How did you persevere and/or what helped you continue your goal & stay on track?

The biggest challenge in putting together the book was just finding the time to work on it since I have a full time job and 3 little kids. I never felt like quitting but I was definitely worried it wouldn’t be ready by the deadline. I wanted it to be quality so I didn’t want to rush through just to get it done.

After talking to my co-author Jeff about my time shortage we came up with an obvious answer. The first month of the Debt Movement was designed to let people know about the movement and to get them signed up for the challenge. Since the actual challenge to pay down debt didn’t start until the beginning of February, I could spend most of January finishing up everything that needed to be done for Debt Heroes - so I got a 1 month extension!

My darkest moment was actually after launching Debt Heroes, the evening when the book got it’s first 1-star review. I knew right away I needed to address the issue the reader had with the book so I stayed up all night working on plans to make the book better.

SUCCESS! How did you feel after accomplishing your goal? What did you learn about yourself in the process? What are you most proud of?

The thing I’m most proud of is what I hope the book offers readers. There are lots of good books on paying off debt but most of them suggest pretty specific steps. I’ve know people that followed one of these systems to but it didn’t work because the suggested steps didn’t all make sense for their situation. So sadly they were still in debt, but really discouraged and down on themselves because they felt as though they had failed.

We wanted to address this problem in the book. So Debt Heroes profiles 21 different people that got into and out of debt in various ways. Our hope is that people will read through all the profiles and connect with the “Debt Heroes” that were in a situation most like their own. The goal is that they’ll see what worked for those particular Debt Heroes and apply them to their lives.

So what I’m proud of is that the book offers readers a chance to find the debt reduction tips that best fit their life. In terms of what I learned about myself in this process, it’s that I need to get better at what Seth Godin has called shipping. I think one of my strengths is coming up with good ideas but in the past I’ve had trouble getting my projects out the door.

Having the deadline of the Debt Movement forced me to “ship” this book. Seeing it make an impact on people is a great example of what can happen when I bring closure to projects and will be a reminder to me going forward.

ADVICE: What advice would you give to others in pursuit of a similar goal?

I've learned two main things that I can share.

1) Make some progress every day.

You may have heard a variety of quotes about overnight success years that was years in the making. The premise is that the success stories we hear often leave out a lot of the work that happened leading up to the success.

That hard work doesn't necessarily feel like a big success when you're doing it. It's not like you're in movie where the screen goes to slow motion and plays the Rocky theme song when you publish a blog post. However, those small steps you take are still important and do add up over time. So when you're feeling discouraged a good way to get out of your funk and move forward is to just focus on getting one positive thing done that day.

2) Community is huge.

The launch of Debt Heroes was pretty successful. It was ranked as the #2 Kindle book in Personal Finance books behind Dave Ramsey, the Godfather of debt reduction - which was pretty exciting for us.

But the only reason that the book was even created, let alone reached a lot of people, is that I've spent the last 6 years as part of the personal finance blogging community. I've seen it go from 8 guys in a online forum sharing blogging tips - to a collection of hundreds of blogs that meet annually at the FinCon conference. Being part of a community where you share similar goals, have shared meals and laughs, and share daily tips and encouragement is huge.  Your community can offer inspiration, encouragement, and support that make your project much better than it could ever be if you work on it solo.

Don’t limit yourself to one community. I drew a lot of support from my money blogger buddies but I also turned to the Make Shit Happen alumni group and to several Indie Author groups for advice and support.

Book Giveaway

Ben has graciously offered to give away 3 digital copies of his book AND one 30-minute jam session for a lucky winner who is interested in self-publishing on Amazon. Enter to win (no later than Friday) by answering one of the following questions in the comments:

For a copy of the book: What are the biggest barriers you have faced in getting out of debt? What strategies have helped you overcome them?

For the Amazon self-publishing jam session: What are your biggest barriers to getting a book out on Amazon? What would you most like help with?

Ben Edwards

More About Ben

Ben Edwards started the website Money Smart Life in 2006 to share his lifelong obsession with personal finance and now he’s the co-author of the Debt Heroes book, a kindle finance bestseller. You can follow him on Twitter @moneysmart.

Build your Business — May Mastermind for Side Hustlers and Solopreneurs

I hereby declare May the Month to Get Moving, and to that end I’ve got a little something up my sleeve. 

I have the great fortune of delivering a few big speeches this year (with a keynote coming up in Ireland at my corporate alma mater Google next week), and I have been noticing two recurring concerns in my conversations with attendees: fear around finding meaningful work and overwhelm by the process, by their schedule, or by what is already on their plate.

Despite these obstacles, there is a way to move forward, and I care deeply about helping people find it. I’d love to see a world where we aren't frozen into place by the media’s doom and gloom about the job market, where Gen Y or anyone who takes a stand for what they want in their career isn’t called entitled, but empowered and inspired.

It is time to move beyond burnout and claim the career that is waiting for you beyond the busywork. It is time to sink IN to the confusion of what’s next and come back up for air with clarity and a plan of action.

It’s time to focus on building a sustainable, dynamic career that suits your strengths; one that feeds your body and mind and allows you to give your best work in return.

In his book The Big Leap, author Gay Hendricks talks about how each of us has a zone of competence, a zone of excellence and a zone of genius. Where are you spending your time? And more importantly, are you happy about it?

Introducing the May Mastermind Program

I want you to feel excited to spring out of bed in the morning. I want you to have the opportunity to invest in yourself without breaking the bank, and to set time aside to figure out what’s next with the support of an uplifting community of others doing the same.

That’s why I am piloting a month-long May Mastermind group called Build Your Business for side hustlers and solopreneurs (though anyone is certainly welcome). I know that many of us are experiencing information-overload and course fatigue — these days there is a book, e-book, website or course for just about everything, and I know how easy it is to make a big purchase then do absolutely nothing with it.

So I’m switching things up and experimenting with a format that is interactive, straightforward, affordable and most-importantly, action-oriented.

How it will work

  • Content Calls: The Mastermind will include 4 live video calls with me (with guest appearances from Melissa and Paul). Each call will be a mix of tips and best practices with some time for your own reflection, Q&A, and meaningful assignments to work on between each session. In the event that you can’t make the scheduled time, the calls will be recorded and notes and resources will be sent out afterward.

  • Workbook: You will receive an accompanying mini-workbook with exercises and templates that aren’t available on the blog.

  • Ask Me Anything: Each week I will also hold an open Office Hours session where you can call in and get direct, personalized support. If no one else is on the call, I’m all yours! If others call in, you can learn from their questions too.

  • Optional accountability component: if you opt-in to this, I will pair you up with two other people and send a weekly reminder (three total) asking you to report back to your group on your progress. This is where you really get your money’s worth :)

  • Ultimately, this mastermind group is about ACTION. By the end of the course you will have identified what your big next move will be, and will have chosen (and acted on) at least three major next steps toward your ideal side hustle or busines.

What we’ll cover

At the end of the program, you will walk away with:

  • An optimized schedule: A clear vision of your ideal day and your ideal week, and a schedule that matches your energy (including how to fit a side-hustle in with a full-time job).

  • A financial roadmap: how much you need to earn to meet your basic expenses, how much you would like to earn, and tips for how to get there.

  • Ideal client clarity: you will have an understanding of who your ideal clients (or readers) are, how to find them, and how to serve them (including pointers on agile product and course development).

  • An action plan for how to take your side-hustle or business to the next level, with tips for building an authentic online platform that helps bring in new paying opportunities (including Jenny’s 10-minute download on everything you need to know to start building a paid speaking career).

I’m also excited to share that Melissa and Paul will be making guest appearances!

  • Q&A with Paul Angone: Paul will talk about how he built upon the momentum of his uber-viral “21 Secrets for your 20s” blog post (that garnered 80,000+ Pinterest pins) to create a free ebook, then how he leveraged that momentum to land a book deal. His book launches in just a few short months!

  • Q&A with Melissa Anzman: Melissa will talk about how to know when it’s time to leave your job, and once you do — how to build an income bridge toward the work you love. She will share her own lessons about when to say yes and when to say no opportunities that aren’t your “ideal” client . . . without having to go back to work full-time. Huge congrats to Melissa, who is celebrating one full year of solopreneurship this week!

Date and time of the calls

Content Calls: Mondays at 3:30pm ET

  • May 6: Vision: What *does* your ideal business look like?
  • May 13: The Financials, Ideal Clients and How to Find Them
  • May 20: Profitable Platform-Building
  • May 27: Action Plan & Next Steps

Office Hours: Fridays at 1pm ET

  • May 10
  • May 17
  • May 24
  • May 31

What will it cost?

While I love working with my 1:1 coaching clients, that can cost upwards of $1,500/month, which is out of reach for many people.

This monthlong mastermind program is just $75, and I’ll be sharing many of the same systems and processes that I use in my 1:1 coaching.

I purposefully set the price low because I wanted to make it impossibly easy for you to say yes . . . which means no more excuses for not going after what you want!

What is your next move?

Right now, I want you to write down two things (yes, write, not just think) or tell me in the comments:

  • What is one action you can take this week that will make the biggest impact on your life and happiness?
  • To that end, what is one thing you can do in the next ten minutes?

Whether or not you sign up for this series, remember these two questions — they can propel you forward in any area at any time.

Massive shifts don’t have to be elusive miracles — if there is anything I have learned from coaching over the last five years, it’s that aha moments can be coaxed and encouraged by creating the space to think expansively, by asking (and answering) the big questions, and by brainstorming what actions would make the biggest difference.

It all begins when we decide to become the Creative Director of our own careers — when we drop the expectation that our job or business is supposed to MAKE us happy by taking the reigns instead.

So what would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?

I look forward to finding out and to working with many of you in May :)

Click here to sign-up!

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Additional FAQ

What is the deadline to enroll?

Enrollment will close on Sunday, May 5, the day before our first call.

Will you be offering this mastermind program again?

I’m not sure — this is a pilot, so it will depend on how this first session goes. If you’re at all interested, I encourage you to sign-up now — even if I do offer it again I can’t guarantee that it will be at the same price.

What if I can't make the calls?

No problemo! They will be recorded and you will have the opportunity to submit questions in advance to make sure that I can still address your questions on the call. You can also call in to one of the Office Hours sessions, even if just for 15 minutes.

What is your refund policy?

Once you make your payment via PayPal, it is non-refundable. If you are unable to make the live sessions, you will still receive all of the notes, recordings, workbook exercises and course materials, and can revisit them at any time.

How will the course be delivered?

  • I am using course software called Ruzuku to deliver all the materials to you (those of you who participated in The Acorn Project will be familiar with this platform).
  • The Content calls and Office Hours will be held using video webinar software called AnyMeeting.
  • You will receive the workbook exercises and course notes via Google Docs.
  • The checkout process is managed by E-Junkie and you can pay with your credit card via PayPal

Got a question I haven’t covered?

Fire away in the comments below, and I’ll answer ASAP!

Click here to sign-up — I look forward to working with you!

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Out With It: Q&A with Katherine Preston

I had the great pleasure of meeting Katherine Preston for coffee in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn a few months ago. She made the bold move of asking a stranger (me) to join her for a cup o' joe, and I made the rare exception of trekking over to Brooklyn mid-day. I kid, I kid, it's really not that far :) Out With It - Book CoverI am so glad I did. Katherine's warm, kind personality and charming British accent immediately won me over, and she speaks with a stutter but doesn't let that stop her. Katherine has written a memoir about overcoming this very challenge — her book, Out With It: How Stuttering Helped Me Find My Voice, launches this week after five years in the making. Actress Emily Blunt called it a "must-read" and author David Mitchell described it as a "compassionate, unflinching memoir."

Before we jump in to the meat of the post, I want to share the first few paragraphs of the book — they completely gripped me, and reminded me of the courage and perseverance Katherine exhibits every single day:

London, September 1994

I can taste the other side of my name, and yet it hangs resolutely out of reach. The wall has come down. My name has been broken in half. My tongue lies taut and heavy, the tip glued to the base of my mouth.

"KKKKKK KKK K K K K K K K K. KKKK KK K K K. kkkkkkkk kaaaa kaaaa."

I feel the familiar hand clench slowly around my throat. As the seconds pass, my chest twists tighter. Panic winds its way through my nervous system and holds my useless body hostage.

"KK kkkk kkk kaaa ka ka."

My fingernails dig into my palms in penance. My knees lock my legs and freeze my body into position. My eyes widen desperately. I can taste the stale air as it slips out of my mouth. I have no idea if I will say the word or if I will be trapped here indefinitely.

Desperate, unfocused anger addles my brain and pricks at my pores. I hate the boy's intrusion.

—Excerpted from Out With It: How Stuttering Helped Me Find My Voice

I've invited Katherine to answer a few questions here at LAC — please help me give her a very warm welcome!

Q&A with Katherine Preston

Give us the 3-sentence synopsis of your memoir

Out With It recounts the journey that I went on to come to terms with my stutter. Having spent years of my life battling against my speech and wanting to be normal, I spent a year traveling around America talking to hundreds of stutterers, from every walk of life, trying to find answers. What began as a search for a cure became a story about embracing my imperfection, failing in love and making myself heard.

What was the hardest part about growing up with a stutter?

I felt like a had a million things to say and I didn’t trust my voice to say them. I had incredible friends and family but, from a very young age, I felt ashamed by my stutter, I felt like it was something that was my fault. Completely unfairly, I piled a lot of guilt on myself. As a result, hid it and I created a silence around it. Long into my twenties I had a wall around myself that I did not want anyone to see past.

What about the "blessings in disguise" that came from it?

Stuttering has influenced me and shaped my life, more than anything else. I cannot imagine who I would be without it. As difficult as it can be, stuttering has given me more than it has ever taken away. It has ensured a love of language, of the rhythm and the taste of words. It has given me a fighting instinct and it has forced me to be vulnerable. Finally, it has become a filter for how I see both the world and highlighted the people I want to gravitate towards.

What's something most people don't know about you?

As well as writing a book, I’m the Creative Director of a business called ExchangeMyPhone. As stutterers, my fiance and I both grew up hating the phone (as teenagers aspiring to be ‘cool’, talking on the phone was challenging at best) and we were excited to create a business that would transform those dreaded phones into vehicles for good. We pay people for their used and broken cell phones and give our customers the option of turning every phone into a charitable donation.

Tell us more about your book — what inspired you to write it?

When I was 24 years old I decided to change my life. From the age of 7 I had battled against my stutter, desperate to be normal. By the age of 24 I felt like I needed to regain control of my life, and my voice. So I handed in my resignation, booked a flight from London to Boston and set off on a year long adventure around America searching for answers.

I interviewed over 100 stutterers across the country with the aim of writing a book of oral histories. I wrote the first draft of the book weaving myself quietly behind the scenes and telling the stories of various people I interviewed. It was all very well intentioned but it didn’t work, the book just wasn’t very good. I wasn’t doing justice to the people I met and I believed that I could write a better, more compelling book. I realized that I had to allow myself to be as vulnerable as the hundreds of people who had generously told me their stories. So I radically changed the book and I turned it into a memoir, something that was far scarier for me.

Lots of people are self-publishing these days and it can be rare to actually land a publisher. How did you decide to go the traditional route, and what steps did you take to get your book deal?

I think self-publishing is a fantastic way to go if you feel certain in your own editing, publishing and marketing capabilities. When I was writing this book, I didn’t feel certain of anything. I knew that I had a story to tell, and I knew that many people had shared some incredible experiences with me, but I had no idea how to get my book out into the world.

I feel certain that I would never be where I am without the talents of my editor and my agent. They believed in me, and encouraged me write the best book I could possibly create. It was their confidence in my abilities that carried me and pushed me forward. Saying that, it was an incredibly hard journey to get my book into the ‘right’ hands. I had many, many rejections and many, many teary nights until my proposal finally made it to my editor’s desk.

Writing a book can be a very overwhelming process. How did you overcome your fear and resistance?

My fiance and my parents all have this unerring, endless faith in me. Even when I felt that I didn’t deserve it, I appreciated that they never let me look back or admit defeat. Bringing a memoir out into the world is a vaguely insane thing to do. I still worry about how people will react to the book, and whether anyone at all will read it. But the best things in my life have always come about when I was scared and vulnerable, so I try to have confidence that this will all be ok.

What impact or statement do you hope to make with this book?

Although the book is about stuttering, it is really about all of us, about all of the ways that we are scared and brave and perfectly imperfect. I want people to see that whatever weakness we perceive in ourselves does not diminish us. Quite the opposite. We are attracted to those who don’t have a façade up, those people who are raw and unpolished and unapologetically human. Success and strength comes from believing that we are enough.

What are your top three bits of advice for the LAC community?

Dream big. speak up, and let yourself be fully seen.

More About Katherine

Katherine PrestonKatherine Preston was born in London and now works as a public speaker and writer in Brooklyn, NY. She is the Creative Director of ExchangeMyPhone, and you can find her on Facebook and Twitter. Out With It is her first book, on sale everywhere from your favourite local bookstore to Amazon.

P.S. Here's a fun mini-movie of her book on a Times Square billboard!

Sticky Habit-Building: 5 Minutes for 5 Days — Who's With Me? (with Template)

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”―Jim Ryun

You might know the phrase, "we are creatures of habit," but did you know that 95% of our behavior occurs out of habit, either unconsciously or in reaction to our outside circumstances? (Schwartz, 2011)

Oftentimes we want to make a change in our lives or learn a new skill, but we get overwhelmed by the effort and scope of change needed to actually do it. As I mentioned in my earlier post about reaching a Habit Fork in the Road, willpower is a finite resource and intentional changes or skill-building take work, practice and commitment, with tracking and accountability as major bonuses.

Did you also know that:

  • The number one mistake people make is not going tiny enough, according to social scientist B.J Fogg, creator of the Tiny Habits method.
  • Conventional wisdom says we need 21 days to lock in a new behavior. Tony Schwartz, author of Be Excellent at Anything, says there has been no credible research to support this assertion. Schwartz says, "The time it takes to develop a ritual is highly variable and depends on the complexity of the new behavior, the level of motivation, and the frequency with which you practice it."
  • Try just four days. One of my favorite authors Martha Beck wrote a whole book on this concept called The Four-Day Win. She says, "I've known for a long time that when I can get a client to do anything consistently for just 4 days—writing, exercising, waking up earlier—an initial barrier seems to fall. The new behavior starts to feel normal; life without it seems odd. It takes less discipline to repeat the action."
  • Partnering up with others who are also working on a goal can trigger a concept called goal contagion. In her book on Willpower Kelly McGonigal says, "Research shows that it is surprisingly easy to catch a person's goals in a way that changes your own behavior. A willpower challenge always involves a conflict between two competing goals. You want pleasure now, but you want health later. Seeing another person pursue one of these competing goals can tip the balance of power in your own mind."
  • Many habits fail because there are no reminders. In The 4-Hour Body Tim Ferris writes, "No consistent tracking = no awareness = no behavioral change. Consistent tracking, even if you have no knowledge of fat-loss or exercise, will often beat advice from world-class trainers."

I've had the intention to really nail my off-the-wall inversions (handstands and forearm-stands) this year in yoga...but you know what? Beyond attending workshops and practicing when teachers happen to insert these into classes, *I* haven't done much to be proactive about increasing my skills in these areas.

They say practice makes perfect, but I wasn't making any time for intentional practice. I kept waiting for more time by myself, for my fear to naturally dissapate, or to practice before class which I kept forgetting to do.

It wasn't until a weeklong yoga immersion last week in Tulum that I realized if I want to nail a new skill, I need to treat it like every other habit in my life: Break it down to something manageable, COMMIT, and track the sh*t out of it. Even better if I can enlist a few friends.

That's the method that works for me, so without further ado I would like to invite you to . . .

The 5-Day Challenge

"What gets measured gets managed." —Peter Drucker

Let's commit to practicing or doing just one thing for five minutes a day for the next five days. Simple, right? 

The goal is to choose an increment of habit-building that is insultingly easy, but my hunch is that even just five minutes might be a big stretch if you're starting from scratch. And who knows? You might get so into your five minutes that you lose track of time and keep going.

Examples for your challenge could include: writing, meditating, yoga, cooking, walking outside, doing jumping jacks, learning a language, waking up earlier, something from your bliss list, a new skill . . . anything!

So . . . who's with me?!

If you're in, here are the next steps:

  1. Leave a comment below telling us what you will work on for your 5-min/day challenge
  2. Make a copy of the super simple tracking template (you knew I'd make one!)
  3. Track your progress for five days
  4. Reflect on the three questions in the template
  5. Report back on Sunday as a reply to your own comment, then I will share in a future round-up on the blog!

For inquiring minds . . . I will be working on my forearm stand press-ups using the "wild turkey" technique that I learned from my amazing teachers, Phillip and Ivy last week. I will practice in my hallway for at least five minutes a day for five days.

Inch by inch, awkward fumble by awkward fumble, I have found that even just practicing once on each leg on my way out the door is already helping me see progress. Now it's time to buckle down and really commit, hopefully with some goal contagion and accountability from all of you :)


Reminder: En*theos Virtual Conference — WTF should I do with my life?!

WTF ConferenceI'm excited to be one of the featured guests for the upcoming En*theos WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! virtual conference, hosted by Jacob Sokol. Jacob is a long-time friend from the blogosphere, and it's an honor to be among the list of inspiring guest interviewees. Here's more information for those of you who are interested!

About the event: WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! is a worldwide FREE streaming virtual conference that answers the questions: What does it actually take for us to be happy and successful? How do we bridge the gap between our future ambitions and current reality? And how do we successfully create a life of excitement and integrity, while living with a deep sense of purpose?

This virtual conference gathers 30+ of the world's leading thinkers including, Tal Ben-Shahar, Sonja Lyubomirsky, Chip Conley and Tony Schwartz, to ask them real-world, no-BS questions that give us actionable solutions so we can rock the *really* important areas of our life.

Dates: April 22 -- 27, 2013 (schedule forthcoming) Price: FREE Where: Sign up here

5 Ways to Craft Your Work Persona

Written by Melissa Anzman Your work persona is what you are “known for” at work. It’s not a complete picture of who you are, but it’s how you represent yourself. It’s the perception that you craft and hone. It’s the things you want to be known for. It’s what helps make you successful at work – and define to others, what success means to you.

Many of us enter the workforce as though we are entering another classroom or a date. “Just be yourself.” You show up as you are, and get to work.

Great advice if you are dating, but it could lead you astray in an office environment… especially if you are working in a cross-generational work-space. You don’t need to change who you are, but you do need to craft your work persona.

I learned this the hard way. I showed up to my first job (ok, maybe my first few jobs), without understanding that work required a different type of package. I didn’t get it. My friends liked me well enough – why wasn’t I succeeding at work?

It took me years and several carefully delivered mentoring conversations to realize that the casual jeans and a t-shirt person I am, was not at all aligned with the type of person I wanted to be recognized at work.

Before we discuss the how, you need to understand what your future colleagues already know. (Also known as the things you should have learned in college, but were absent that day.)

The basics of being at work:

  • Your casual jeans and weekend t-shirts are never ok – even if you are in a “casual” work environment. (Ditto to tank tops, flip-flops, and other beach attire)
  • Getting work done is valued over office gossip – so work should always come first.
  • Be respectful. At all times – you never know who you are interacting with, who is witnessing it, and really – just be a generally decent person.
  • People don’t like holding your hand. Pay attention, take notes, show-up on time, ask questions – but try not to ask the same question five times. Be present and make an effort – don’t just sit back and expect things to be handed to you.
  • Answering your work phone and email is not optional.
  • Use complete words and sentences in your communication. Do not text-speak in emails. It’s unprofessional and gives off an “I don’t really understand the English language” vibe.
  • Don’t make your boss/peer/colleague feel old – watch your responses, pop-culture references, and commentary. No one likes to be told they are dinosaurs.

Five Ways to Create Your Work Persona

1. Get to the core of the matter

There are certain aspects of our personality that we will never be able to comfortably silence. And that’s good! Sometimes we may want to turn the volume down on them, but at the end of the day, they are an essential part of who we are – they are core to who we are as human beings.

Figure out what your non-negotiables are. What are the things that are core to you, that make you tick, that are of utmost importance, that they need to shine through in your interactions?

2. What do you want to be known for?

The best part about having a work persona is that YOU dictate what you are known for. What are the marketable skills, qualities, realities and perceptions that drive how you want others to think of you? Start by observing the qualities and perceptions of people you admire at work. What do people say about them – good and bad?

These are usually qualities that you already possess – reviewing them, and taking a stand that these are the skills and qualities that I want other people to think about when they say my name. For example, if you like being a quick responder and enjoy interviewing candidates, then these are the skills that you want to start crafting a “name” for.

3. What is valued or admired in your work environment?

The success of your work persona is only as strong as the environment around you allows. If you add up all of the elements and decide that you want to be known as a boisterous political debater, who wears jeans and t-shirts to work, and never responds to email… then your office needs to appreciate these qualities in order for it to work to your advantage.

Office culture is a critical component when evaluating who you want to known as at work. You want to enhance your current skills and personality to your favor, not to your detriment. Make sure that what you are known for is valued and respected where you work and within your field, so you can craft a persona that resonates appropriately.

4. Past successes can equal future gains.

Look back at the qualities and skills that have made you successful in life prior to your current position –be it at school, in sports, or within an activity. Start building on your natural abilities and learned behaviors, instead of starting anew.

If it has been noted on a previous performance review that you seem to have a vast work-load capacity, then this can be a winning characteristic for you. Review what you’ve earned recognition for in the past, and see how you can build on that reputation even further.

5. Image is everything

There are so many sayings here… “Fake it til you make it.” “Dress as the part you want, not the one you have.” And so on. The point is that how you wrap up your work persona, the neat little package that you put it in, will play a big role in the long-lasting effects of it.

Not just the outward appearance. But your ongoing actions will continue to craft, shape and connect with the persona you have developed. So be sure to keep an eye on what persona you put out there, so you can live up to it and reinforce it, every chance you get.

We’d love to hear from you below in the comments: What have you added to your work persona? How was that served you well at work? 

melissa anzman

About Melissa

Melissa Anzman is the creator of Launch Your Job  where she equips ambitious leaders with practical ways to grow their career. She is the author of two books: How to Land a Job and Stop Hating Your Job. Follow her @MelissaAnzman.